Artist Statement
Mari W. Zidén
Mari has her own studio in Ånge in the northern part of Sweden. Most of the work is based on kiln-formed glass.
To different shaping techniques Mari brings fresh inventiveness and excitement in her approach to exploring the interplay of surfaces and color. She is constantly thinking about the light and how it will reflect and refract in her vibrant sculptures and bowls.
At the latitude of her studio, sunlight is powerful influence since it is generously available at night in the middle of the summer and virtually absent around the winter solstice. About her source of inspiration, she says “people and nature has always been the main inspiration. In other words what life gives you. Where I live, we have four seasons with four different color palettes and the inspirations is endless. So much beauty in nature. When I can reflect that in glass and give it a new life with a story I ́m happy”
With time and how life gives you challenges Mari also started to think about how heritage influence life in unusual ways. Since Mari also often document daily life in Sweden with her camera and are interested in the history of her own and others life, she started to create little stories with her photos, and old pictures fund in antique’s stores, in collaboration.These works are done with enamels and have a story on its own.
The last few years a lot happened in Mari ́s life and when people are in a crisis you tend to think a lot about to your roots and family. Because of a severe heart illness that her son is living with her family needed to take DNA tests to learn about how far back in the family it runs. That has affected hers and the family’s lives in many ways. In search for answers, she made the collection “Cocoon”